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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What does it take to be a Hollywood actor?

Question:Are there any requirements? How can I apply?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are there any requirements? How can I apply?

You don't have to apply, you just have to compete. In order to compete, you need to be competitive. In order to be competitive, you need talent and skill. In order to have talent and skill, some of it you need to be born with and then you need to polish it...continuously in acting school.
You also need to be able to navigate your way around the industry. To do that you need to have a business sense.
That's a lot of stuff. So where do you start?
Start reading, gathering information and taking some classes to see if you really like it. Try and understand what actors do when you don't see them on the screen or on tv and also try to understand how they got there.
For starters, you might want to take a look at this page link:


I would say "being able to act" is a requirement, but I wouldn't want to compliment Vin Diesel like that.

Above all else, it takes hard work and a positive attitude. You should concentrate on trying to figure out how to make yourself a better actor every single day. Don't waste a moment!

For films and TV you have to be in the union which means you either have another union affiliate card and are thus eligible for a union card or you do work that makes you eligible.

The SAG union card for prime time and movies is $2,500 in one payment, certified check or money order

Anyone can buy an AFTRA card (video tape and daytime TV) off the street, it is between $1,900 and $2,100 one payment certified check or money order and it makes you SAG eligible, but you have to pay a separate fee for the SAG card. You can't go SAG until you are offered a SAG job.

Extra work is generally non union and can lead to eligibility of you sing, dance or take direction.

Extra work pays $40 a day requires a good car and you must register with Central Casting and be ready to stay all day and work till released.

SAG eligilbiity last 1 year from approval and generally allows you to get a SAG agent.

SAG extra pay is $100 a day and speaking parts pay is $600 a day.

Once you are in the union you can't work non-union.

Jobs are by audtion usually through an agent.

Only SAG agents can represent SAG actors and only SAG agents generally get audtion information for SAG roles.

Earl fails to mention that you do not have to be a union member to work in your first SAG film. But for a person under 18, the major requirement is to get your parents to work for it on your behalf. Only by their dilligence getting you experience, training and an agent will you become a teen actor, so get them started, time's a wasting.