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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is it worth it?

Question:I've auditioned for a role at the community theater (belonging to a community college I attend) a few days ago. I'm actually in one of their plays right now. It takes seven weeks, and at least three hours a day, four days a week. It's hard work, though I like it.

But I'm starting to feel, is this worth it? Because I'm not even the main character, and I'm not theater major. My major has nothing to do with acting. I'm getting little to no transfer credit from this, though I guess I could put that I was in a play in my transcript.

Please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've auditioned for a role at the community theater (belonging to a community college I attend) a few days ago. I'm actually in one of their plays right now. It takes seven weeks, and at least three hours a day, four days a week. It's hard work, though I like it.

But I'm starting to feel, is this worth it? Because I'm not even the main character, and I'm not theater major. My major has nothing to do with acting. I'm getting little to no transfer credit from this, though I guess I could put that I was in a play in my transcript.

Please help!

If you like it enough to keep auditioning, then its worth it. If you are doing so many productions, why arent you majoring, minoring or clustering in theater? Its a good idea to have a minor or a cluster in something really different from what your studying, you never know when you might use the knowledge you gain in the theater somewhere else, since everything comes back to the theater eventually.

Only you can decide what is right (or worth it) for you. We cannot tell you what you should do.

It is only worth it if you think it is worth it. You have made a committment, so see it through, at least you will better appreciate what happens to make a play. It is human nature to wonder, "what have I got myself into?" You won't really know until it is over.