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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are the examples of musical dances?

Question:The Limbo
Electric Slide
The Twist
The Jerk
The Hulley Gulley
The Stroll
The Chicken Dance
and my persoal fav
The Funky Chicken

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Limbo
Electric Slide
The Twist
The Jerk
The Hulley Gulley
The Stroll
The Chicken Dance
and my persoal fav
The Funky Chicken

the macarena

the time warp
Grece lightning
The maccareina
The hussel
THe Thriller
The samon Dance

You can do the wave,the snake,or the quarter turn twist.

the ones you see people dancing to at the club or in the video, or in your imagination that you have the courage to commence

cha cha the ramba/ mamba or whatever idk google it like dancing with the stars

Tarantella is an Italian dance I recall from my piano lesson years.

crank dat soulja boy.


Fox Trot
Two Step
The Stroll