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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I wear glasses but lead character doesn't in the musical?

Question:So I'm trying out for the lead role of Thoroughly Modern Millie where the lead doesn't wear glasses but I do. Since this is my first time being on stage, would I be forced to take off my glasses (I cannot see anything without them) or would it be ok to leave it on? The setting is during the Roaring 20's and I don't know if flappers wore glasses back then.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So I'm trying out for the lead role of Thoroughly Modern Millie where the lead doesn't wear glasses but I do. Since this is my first time being on stage, would I be forced to take off my glasses (I cannot see anything without them) or would it be ok to leave it on? The setting is during the Roaring 20's and I don't know if flappers wore glasses back then.

If you want to be a steady actor and can get contacts...then i would look into that if I were you. They might say you can wear glasses, but the 'look' is so important in casting a role, that you may lose the part to someone else, for that very reason.

Unless unaided eyesight is integral to the plot, why would it ever matter?

This might be a time to explore the idea of contacts, depending on your health and wealth situation.

Depending on the competition and your director- it may not matter that you wear glasses.

Often, though, directors are concerned with time period and are wary of anachronisms in their plays. Even if you could wear them, then, it may not be period enough.

Moreover, the physical demands of the role would possibly put your glasses in danger of being damaged as well...

so, if contacts are an option for you, it may be smart to get them- even for the audition. it may make the director more easily 'see' you as the role


Women back then would be too vain to wear glasses even if they needed to. They did not have contacts either. If contacts are not an option for you, it would necessitate having to learn your lines ASAP and then learn your blocking well enough to get around on the set without running in to any thing or god forbid stepping off the apron of the stage. I have worked on stage with people who have this problem and they seem to manage all right.

Maybe if you wear a large pair of sunglasses over them?

It shouldn't matter, if you take your glasses off, you might have more problems.

The important thing is your acting more than your appearance. If they like your acting, I'm sure they could work around it.

Glasses did exist, but the question is of the style of frames you have.

How well would you see without them- particularly in a dark backstage area.?

Are they passable as period frames?

You can negotiate this with the director if you're cast.

I suspect for this type of show the director would want them off, but you never know.

Contacts. :]]

unless this is a professional production, you will not be required to take off your glasses. Since this is your first theatrical experiance, I am assuming its not professional. You should be fine wearing glasses.

good luck w/ getting the role!