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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Spread of musical theater?

Question:I am doing a report on the spread of musical theater but we need a professional journal and I was wondering if anyone knew one where I could find an article from?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am doing a report on the spread of musical theater but we need a professional journal and I was wondering if anyone knew one where I could find an article from?

You could try several journals that are "trade" magazines for theatre. Playbill looks a lot like all of the playbills that you get when you go to a show and has been a round for quite some time. The other one that springs immediately to mind is Backstage. I subscribe to Backstage and can tell you it is a great source for the working actor, but I wouldn't put it past the mag to have an article on just the sort of topic you're researching. While it is not, per se, a professional journal, the New York Times is probably the one newspaper in America that values theatre enough to enlist writers like John Lahr or Frank Rich and in addition to their reviews, they have excellent articles on this kind of thing

Dont know what you mean by spread. YOu need to go to the Library and you the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature and research to see if any articles on your topic have ever been printed. Get the Reseach Librarian to help you.