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Question:how do u become a model or actress at the age of 13
i want to be one so bad but i dont know where to start
if u know any good companys or advice please answer this question

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how do u become a model or actress at the age of 13
i want to be one so bad but i dont know where to start
if u know any good companys or advice please answer this question

First, you need a lot of money.
This money will help you hire proffesional photographers so you can create a portfolio with different shots. Or, you could go to a model agency and pay them to help you create the portfolio. After that you need to pay the agency to put your picture out there, they will advertise your picture depending on how much money you pay them let's say they have 10 clients and you are paying the minimun they will only show your portfolio (usually 1 pic) to 1 or 2 clients, if you pay more then they show it to more clients. If you get called then they will take a huge % of the money you will be making... So the trick is to keep getting calls so that all the money you spend at first can come back to you.

On the radio and tv, their should be like Does your child want to be on (ex.) Hannah Montanna? then come down at (street name) and ur kid might be a star!

They had auditions awhile ago.

The only advice I can give you is to keep searching. If this really is your dream then you will have to go out of your way to search on the internet for auditions in your local area or consider getting an agent. Just keep trying and don't give up!

Good luck!

I advise you to get experience first.
Do school plays or at a community theatre. Take acting classes too. So what I’m saying is get lots of experience. Then you have to get a good headshot which is like $250+.

Look up talent agencies in your area and start from there. Hope that helped.

You can visit and pick the state that your in and there should be a list of acting jobs you can do

When you are under 18 there is only one way to be an actress or model and that is to have your parents working hard to make you one. You see, young people cannot sign contracts with agents or production companies or even work without their parents' permission until they are 18. So what you have to do is get your parents to want this for you and to work hard to get it.

what you should do is look for auditions online for local and national gigs. It would probably help to get a head and shoulders photo taken by a professional because alot of companies will want to see one.

you start by taking acting or drama in school

the only work available is commericals, tv and movies and you generally need to be in the union for those and a union card cost $2,500

You generally also need an agent and head shot

You need a work permit

A parent avaiable 24/7/365

You generally need to be located near Los Angeles, Tornoto, NYC and a few other larger cities

It's very costly to employ anyone under 18 and special considerations have to be made so they ususally avoid doing this.

Most teens in films and movies are actually 17 or 18 year olds with small bodies who look 14