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Question:Any tips for a reading callback/audition? What to wear, what to do, when to talk when to act....anything would be helpful.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Any tips for a reading callback/audition? What to wear, what to do, when to talk when to act....anything would be helpful.

Just stay calm first of all. next wear nice clothes probably clothes like the ones you wore to the addition itself. If there is a part that you really want or a part that you were specifically called back for then you could dress the part. (if it's something modern or easily costumed) or else bing a prop. You don't have to do any of this however because the most important thing is to be nice and remember you will be reading directly form the script of the play you will be doing. Brush up on the characters - who they are and what there personalities are like. This will give you better incite on how to portray the any character you may read for. When the director tells you what part(s) you will read for and gives you the script read over the pages he tells you to at least once, more if time allows. Also seek out others who are at the call backs and see who you could possibly be preforming with at the callbacks. Knowing your counterpart on stage is key to a good performance and belivability. Break a Leg my fellow thespian!!!

put your best foot forward in every way, but be yourself at the same time; this will keep you relaxed and confident. You can do this. Step out of yourself and look objectively. at what might distract or detract from your performance. If you already have experience, you may know that there are some rules you can break to gain an edge and differentiate yourself, however this is a big risk in a winner take all game.

Your previous answers are too long and too philosophical.

Let's get practical. Wear something similar to what you wore at the first tryout. Speak when spoken to act when told to.
Above all look at this as an opportunity to have fun. Acting=playing=fun. Enjoy the opportunity. If you have fun when you audition, you are very likely to get cast.