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Question:which is better
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: which is better
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You can do both... especially through musical theatre, which is a lot of fun. One nice thing about acting is that you can branch off into other fields like voice over work, commericals, or movies. Singing alone can be fun if you have the kind of voice that is in demand. Check out performing arts departments at colleges and they can tell you about each career.

It's better to be a bad actor than a bad singer.You can at least have a B-Movie career.

Both, im taking both classes

they r both great

Its whatever you like, not anyone else. Try them both and see what you feel is right for you.

often times they go hand in hand. But your question is to vague to answer specifically. I personnaly am a better singer than an actor, but because of my ability to sing, directors have sacrificed a bit on the acting just to have me. Guess that's showbiz!

Singing because you don't have to remember so many things like in acting. Acting is fun but you have to learn a lot of lines!...but you get paid a lot.
Singing or Acting its all the same to me.
Singing is great to because you strengthen your vocal chords.
i recommend acting
i have a big secret about me and acting.
hope i could help.

I LOVE them both, but I'd have to say singing. You can really express your emotions better when you sing, and when you act, you're someone someone else.

it depend if its easy or not for you ...

That depends on your talent level. Singing is easier to get into if you have looks, look at Britney Spears. As long as you can sell your body you will do well in the music industry.

i love both!

singing is for people with a passion to change the world
acting is for people with a passion to entertain the world

which ever you think fits your style better, choose one.
or be like me and a lot of other professionals in the world like hillary duff, raven symone, mandy moore, will smith, miley cyrus and do both of them.

they are great ways to express yourself!
good luck.
email me anytime!

Both. If you want to become a musical theatre actor, you will still need acting skills. If you go down the acting route, there are plays which have songs in them - almost all Shakespeare plays have a song in them, for example. You are much more marketable if you can do both - you have much more choice in what you can do. Of course you don't need to be a singer to be an actor, but there will be many more job opportunities (in theatre at least).
But it is your choice of which career to pursue.

Neither one is better. They are equal. Pick what you wanna do or do them both!