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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm losing my voice and i have the lead role in a play tonight!!!!!! What to

Question:I'm losing my voice and i have the lead role in a play tonight!!!!!! What to do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm losing my voice and i have the lead role in a play tonight!!!!!! What to do?

You have to stop talking NOW. Take a vow of silence until the actual show. Drink LOTS of tea with honey. It's not guaranteed that your voice will come back, but that's the best thing for your voice right now.

Break a leg! I hope your voice is better by tonight!

lipsink like a popstar

Tea and honey. Lemon and tea. Bowl of hot water and a towel over your head so you can breathe in the steam.
If you are in the UK, go to Boots and buy Sandersons throat syrup (a singers saint/lifeline!)

My mom is crazy about essential oils and organic stuff.

When my throat is sore and i can't talk she gives me this:

One WHOLE spoon of honey-it is very thick but it really helps

Sucking on a lemon-this i know is very hard but it really helps, so if you want applause suck it up!

Garlic in chicken noodle soup. Ask your mom to make some chicken noodle soup and put very little garlic-like 8 tiny things about this size and width: / but without that little space it would be the right size. /

Also, your mom should boil water, leave it in the pot. Then put in herbs-not tea bags but real herbs and put a towel over your head and breath in and out; coming out of it whenever you feel it is too hot and you can't stand it.

Don't talk. But about an hour before you have to go, see if these things helped you.

Good luck and break a leg!
