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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Black History Month Song?

Question:I am putting on a Black History Program and we are doing about about 10 individual skits throughout black history. At the end of the program i want all the kids to come out and sing a song relevant to the skits (sort of). Not just something based on 1 person like Dr. King or Harriet Tubman. If not that a song of black pride (not James Brown), recognition or coming up or a simple, generic inspirational song. The program is for a church and we ae working with youth from 8-21.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am putting on a Black History Program and we are doing about about 10 individual skits throughout black history. At the end of the program i want all the kids to come out and sing a song relevant to the skits (sort of). Not just something based on 1 person like Dr. King or Harriet Tubman. If not that a song of black pride (not James Brown), recognition or coming up or a simple, generic inspirational song. The program is for a church and we ae working with youth from 8-21.

I believe its more commonly referred to as the black National Anthem now...but a good idea

I know that...that is why i said more common...i have never heard anyone say please stand for the negro national anthem...i was just clarifying it

Um, what about the Negro national anthem? "Lift every voice and sing."

It is pretty common for the type of event you are planning.'ry_...

EDIT: To the person below me, no it is called the Negro National Anthem by the person who created it. "Black" is more PC now, but just like the NAACP, the name has a historical context and most people don't change it.

My suggetion is that you go back to the old Negro Spirituals and pick a song from among them. They are some of the most beautiful and inspirational songs ever written, for they came out of the deep struggles of life,
and an overcoming attitude through looking to God for the answers.

One of my favorites is so simple, but so compreheslive in what it says about struggle and life and death and eternal life that overcomes all the others:

When I come to die,
Oh, when I come tod die,
Yes, when I come to die,
Give me Jesus.

Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus,
You may have all of this world,
But give me Jesus.

In the morning when I rise,
In the morning when I rise,
In the morning when I rise,
Give me Jesus.

Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus,
You may have all of this world,
But give me Jesus.

I don't know where you can find the tune,
but it is beautiful.

Also, I hope you put some other people into black history month besides the political activists. What about George Washington Carver and others who have contributed greatly to the world at large through science, etc.

We overcome even prejudice, not by fighting it head on,
(at least not only that), but by building that which lasts--
the work we have to do on earth.

Hope your program is challenging on more levels than one.


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