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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do you cope with not getting a part?

Question:Okay today my school cast list goes up for BANG BANG YOU'RE DEAD...there is a very large chance I wont get a part.

As conceited as this sound- I have always done very well when it comes to getting parts (lucky i guess) so if I don't get this part what should I do? I want the teacher to realize I will work hard and that I am a good actress....

Feel free to tell me your personal stories.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay today my school cast list goes up for BANG BANG YOU'RE DEAD...there is a very large chance I wont get a part.

As conceited as this sound- I have always done very well when it comes to getting parts (lucky i guess) so if I don't get this part what should I do? I want the teacher to realize I will work hard and that I am a good actress....

Feel free to tell me your personal stories.

You just need to keep an open mind...I mean 11 parts for 19 people, you've got more than a 50% chance of getting something.

I had that issue before where the teacher didn't really know me and my abilities. I auditioned for our musical productions (the best drama/chorus class in the school) class last year, and didn't make it in the class but did get to be a director in beginning musical theatre, there weren't many people in there so I had to do a part. The teacher for that class (also the one for the musical productions class) came up to me and said,

"if I had known you worked so hard and were such a great actress I would've put you in the other class...but I just didn't know and that was my mistake."

I was on cloud 9 when she said this to me, so I auditioned again for the productions class at the end of the year and made it! I've gotten several leads this year and won best actress at regional and state one act competition! And I have another audition in January.

So, I guess the moral is sometimes the teachers just don't know how much talent they have staring them in the face. So even if you don't get a part, or even if you simply get a smaller part, just do you're best and show your talent so next time you'll nail it.

And if you have gotten bigger parts at your school before, then you should also trust that your teachers know your potential. Because I doubt that even if your teacher doesn't like you for some reason, she's not going to want a person who can't act in a part. Also, if you think about how hard of a position they are in, either way someone's feelings are going to get hurt.

In short, I wouldn't sweat it, you've got an excellent chance at getting a part, and whatever part you get...shine!

its not the end of the world. Everything happens for a reason. Cant you go for a smaller roll in the play? And besides, you dont even know yet! Give yourself a little credit, you even said your pretty good. Just remember if you dont, to be the bigger person, congratulate the person who got the part, and let it go.

I Love Drama And Go To A Drama School Out Side School. i Always Get Lead Roles There But At My Real School I NEver Seem To Really Do. I Think At Schools Teachers Try To Give Everyone A Chance To Show Of Their Talent And Dont Just keep To The Same People. You Can Shine Just As Much With A Small part if You Put In The Right Expression And Actions! [=

ive been having a horrible freshman year....i tried out for a sport and didnt get on the team. Then I didnt get a part in the school play.....and now im trying out for the musical. yes i was really sad when i got "rejected" in both. but i forced myself to NOT GIVE UP! if u dont get a part, then try out again next year, the judges want to see that u didnt give up. THEN GIVE IT ALL U GOT!!!! EVERYTHINGG!!!!!!!!

You can't win them all. You gotta know that in Theatre you really need to step up your game and you can't automatically think your going to get the part. Last year i was trying out for my Jr. High's production of "The Sussification of Romeo and Juliet". I, of course wanted Juliet and everyone thought i was going to get the part. But i had already gotten a big part in the fall play so our theatre teacher didn't cast all! I was really upset. But i handled it pretty well. I ended up being in the crew and i had a wonderful time!! =]]

Also if you don't get the part it doesn't mean your a bad actor it just means that you weren't exactly what they were looking for. Sometimes directors are very picky about the way the person who plays the part should look. (which in a way is kind of bad...but they do need to fit somewhat if you know what i mean).

good luck though keep us posted on what you get! =]]]

Start looking for the next audition.....

Well I always like to start off a regection with a good long cry. Yeah I know be strong etc. but really if you don't get a part your most likely going to be annoyed and sad. Then you can say "thats not fair the teacher hates me they play favorites etc. Try not to dwell on this though. It's good to be mad but not good to hold a grudge for the rest of your life. So once you have cried and had a litle hissy fit ( All in the privacy of your own home) Think about why you did'nt get the part, in your opinion what do you need to work on? Your expression,the sound of your voice, how loud or quiet can you go? Did you use your props well?
So write down the things you thought were lacking and you'll have something to go on for the next play. But even though you did not win you can do other stuff and at the risk of sounding lame remeber you can always work on set design, costuming etc. Ask your director/teacher about being a prompter or an understudy if there are none already assigned. Well you get mad, learn from your mistakes try to get invovled and get ready for next years.
I tried out for my school play and did not make the cut.
Oh well next year I'll be older and wiser and I can knock them dead!
Hope I could help!

Just remember that every director and every teacher has their quirks, and that its nothing personal. One director may be seeking a different "look" than you might provide. Another director, for the same show, may love you.

Even if you don't get a part, show your enthusiasm by offering to help with props, set or stage managing.

First you don't know yet, second not getting parts is just a fact of auditioning. You win a few, you lose a few. When I stopped getting parts in College, I went and asked the director why and she told me that she never saw anything new in my readings, they were always the same as they had always been, so, I had to leard to be more creative.

generally one takes a behind the scene job of props, pulling curtians, etc.

Well confront the teacher tell her I dint understand why I didn't get this part? I worked really hard, and I got nothing, ask did I do something wrong, can I make it up because I was really hoping for something? Be respectful, and willing to listen. Dont be afraid to ask, GOOD LUCK!!