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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I am appalled there are so few questions on the theatre what's wrong with yo

Question:The theatre is my life and my muse. My raison d'etre, my whole poor excuse for being. My omg.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The theatre is my life and my muse. My raison d'etre, my whole poor excuse for being. My omg.

Ask some then

Is it the beginning of your end that is the questio? Folk don't appreciate culture on here .

Theatre is my entire life too. I love it. The stage is my home and my fellow actors are like my second family. I wish more people liked acting. Such a shame. Whatever happened to the arts?

Don't call it a poor excuse Cheri, call it simply decadent in all its wondrous, awful glory. Say prends moi baby, prends moi, from all this that is so banal. You're beautiful baby; you're gonna make it.

theater is not important to most people because they want to be stars

There are so many people that are jaded by 'there's only TV' and don't appreciate the vast wealth of actors who'd never set foot in a TV studio if it wasn't for the fact that it's an almost guaranteed way to get noticed and paid a regular amount. The acting career is fickle in that it's here one minute, gone the next and you're only as good as your last role! Those that think because someone isn't on television they must have curled up and died, or just waiting for the next soap to appear in are why most don't (to quote Julie Walters in Educating Rita) 'go to de theataaa'. If it wasn't for panto, I doubt most would have even thought about what goes on outside of TV. Also because it takes effort and money - people have to get 'dressed up' to go out, and pay money - often quite a bit - to go and be entertained for an hour or two, whereas to watch TV is simply to pick up the remote and veg-out on the settee for as long as they want. Rant over... :o)

OMG, another Thespian.

Well how many questions about the theatre have u asked then:???