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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Do u think its unfair...? Or am I just being dramatic?

Question:well Singing is my strong point in theatrics (im am a sucky acress) and in the audition 4 the school musical we didnt sing so i got one of the worst parts! Then when I told my music teacher just 2 hear me sing and maybe give me a better part she said no is this unfair or am i being dramatic?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well Singing is my strong point in theatrics (im am a sucky acress) and in the audition 4 the school musical we didnt sing so i got one of the worst parts! Then when I told my music teacher just 2 hear me sing and maybe give me a better part she said no is this unfair or am i being dramatic?

That sucks I think if its a musical they should have had auditions with singing involved, your teacher sucks.

it is unfair to the other ppl

It is unfortunate that the instructor did not audition singers for a musical but it'll be alright, this will be a good way to improve where you are weaker. Eventually a better part for your skills will come along.
You should continue to learn the singing parts to practice with the other performers outside of scheduled practices. If what I remember about teenagers holds true, you can count on at least one dropping out or simply not cutting the mustard and you will be prepared as a backup and will get your opportunity..

Break a leg !!!

you'll get your chance to shine....

yeahh, unfair. she should give you a chance.

it was an unfair audition for a musical, but when your in a musical you have to be a triple threat- you HAVE to be able to sing, you HAVE to be able to act, and you HAVE to be able to dance... one talent, won't do

it doesn't really make sense for their to be a musical audition and then no singing. ?
but honestly how would you feel if you were the one who got the good part and just because someone felt it unfair that they didn't have the lead role they took your spot?

In musicals your acting while singing....if you cant act its only fair not to get as good a part as someone who can

So, what your saying is your teacherleader never heard you sing for a musical? That seems unfair to everyone in the musical. I know how you feel, except in my school everything is a popularity contest. All the teachers pets got good parts, some of which couldnt sing to save thier life. I tryed out, Im told I sing good and I sing for a band, but no lead. She should listened to everyone sing. Then again when she said no respect her opinion and dont bug her about it. It shows your mature enough to handle things when they dont exactly go your way, and they wont. Grin and bare it and make the best of your time. Dont quite or complain except it. If you quit it jest makes it harder for the rest of the cast.

Good luck.

Technically there aren't any "bad" parts some are just smaller or not as interesting. Your teacher should have auditioned for singing, but if you aren't a good actor than it would be harder to get a "better" part. Musicals do have scenes that only involve acting and they need a good actor to cover the larger roles, but regardless, if they didn't hold singing auditions, who knows how the leads sing?

you're being dramatic

They could have made you the prop person

Be thankful to have a role


It's a musical of course they should hear you sing that's like the whole point. Singing is generally more important than acting in a musical. i've always heard from directors that singing is the first thing they look for when casting for musicals.

Your diractor needs to get a grip and learn what they are doing

Good luck in ur second rate production
(no offense to u just to the stupid director)

Break a Leg

If you suck as an actress, you have no place in ACTING.

Become a singer, or improve your acting.

Your teacher is right; to be in a musical you need to be able to do both - sing and act.

It's not unfair.

Number one, you said straight out you were a sucky actress. Number two, the show is already CAST. They're not going to make changes now, just because someone who can sing but not act thinks they deserve a big part anyway. Number three, I'm pretty sure your music teacher has already heard you sing.

You want the music teacher to strip someone of they part they won, and give it to you instead, and you wonder if the TEACHER is being unfair? I'm speechless.