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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Need a monoluge from a published play thats good for snoopy?

Question:I am tring out for your a good man charile brown for the role of snoopy. I need a monolouge from a published play(not the one i am audiotioning for either) I want it to be similiar to snoopy..or at least snoopys character. I have looked and looked at a bunch of sites and a bunch of monolouges and i cant find one that fits. Anyone know one? Please let me know! thank you so much!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am tring out for your a good man charile brown for the role of snoopy. I need a monolouge from a published play(not the one i am audiotioning for either) I want it to be similiar to snoopy..or at least snoopys character. I have looked and looked at a bunch of sites and a bunch of monolouges and i cant find one that fits. Anyone know one? Please let me know! thank you so much!!!

Look up the plays "Sylvia" or "Where Has Tommy Flowers Gone?", both stories involve the viewpoint of a dog.

Snoopy doesn't talk, but he does sing. suggestion is to use a song as a monologue. Why does it have to be a published play? Songs are published so there is your angle around that. Why don't you try getting the lyrics to Jump, Jive or some Big Band song or a Blues song. Be so cool Joe during the delivery of it. It will crack the director up and it will show them that you can handle playing a cool character.