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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How many movies in one month do you usually watch in the theaters?

Question:I see about 1 to 2 movies a week at a theater, but my fav. theater is $1.75 for the older (before they release on DVD) movies or $1.50 on Mondays...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I see about 1 to 2 movies a week at a theater, but my fav. theater is $1.75 for the older (before they release on DVD) movies or $1.50 on Mondays...

none..i watch at home

2 or 3, it depends on whats playing

i watch 2 inn a month xD
i dont watch a lot !

1 or two, but it depends on what's out. Like holiday movies aren't my thing, so more in the summer than fall and winter,.

Usually one or two, at a really cheap theater
I like it though, cause there's not a lot of people, so I don't really have to dress up very much

same as home

3 or 4 it kinda hard to get all the family together or the kids somewhere to watch one

like 5-11 a month jk jk like 3 a month

Our family normally waits for the DVDs to come out...

about none.


None, i hate going to the movie theatre. It's over priced and the movie usually is crappy anyway...

i will wait until i can download it.

2 maybe...renting them is so much cheaper

never watch i not allowed=(

i used to go every weekend

maybe 1 in 2 months i gues...

I prefer netflix but about once a month i see a movie in theaters

I would say bout 2 but thats me but i think that it depends on were you live and how much you can afford some factors come into effect

We no longer go to theaters.
Either too cold or hot. Too loud. etc.....

If its during the summer usually 2 per month


Actually I watch 1 movie in the theater per year.
Do you know how hard it is to find a reliable babysitter in my town????

If you are going to be a movie buff...go once a week at least. Watching the movie alone on a DVD without an audience reactions is missing out on most of the fun...and sad and lonely!
Art like film is a shared community experience at it's almost the best fun you can have in the dark with strangers! Laugh! Cry! BOO! Clap! Throw popcorn at the screen! Very few people have a 80 ft tall screen in their home movie theater ! It's made for the big it there and sneak in your own snacks! Go to the early discount shows or see them on the way out of the theaters for as little as a $1.00 a show in Los Angeles;.


Not as many as I used to but probably more then I should.