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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Auditioning with two arias - which one first???

Question:Should I start off with more emotional one (Augusta! - Ballad of Baby Doe) or the huge sing (Re'dellabisso - The masked Ball-Verdi)???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Should I start off with more emotional one (Augusta! - Ballad of Baby Doe) or the huge sing (Re'dellabisso - The masked Ball-Verdi)???

I think you should do whichever one you do better first. If there's one you do that's really impressive - amazing high notes, etc.., then do that one first because 1) if they don't have time for two you'll have gotten in your best. 2) Once they get that big smile and give each other the look - like boy this is a good one we got here, then even if your second one is less impressive, they will have the first impression in their heads. I think what will stick is their first impression.

Ballad first. Big finish.

Knock 'em out and leave them wanting more!

Depends on how much time you have. Some times they will ask you to prepare two selections but at the actual audition you'll only sing one due to time constraints. I always go with the aria that shows off my voice technique and acting best that way I won't be disappointed if they only have time to hear just one.

Totally depends on you're endurance

definitely do the more demanding one first so you have enough steam to get through, and then do the less demanding one. If they're both about the same, then I'd end with the "huge sing"

good luck!