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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What is up with stupid Disney channel these days?!?!?!?

Question:it's so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so stupid!!! all it is these days is boy girl boy girl! i don't think they should be teaching kids these dumb things!!! LIKE Hannah Montana?! any one can be famus if thier rich enough to get into the aditions!! all the actors have no talent!!!!!! I HATE HANNAH MONTANA!!! AND HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!! it stoll my friens into the liking to it!! stupid public schoolers, they have no life.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: it's so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so stupid!!! all it is these days is boy girl boy girl! i don't think they should be teaching kids these dumb things!!! LIKE Hannah Montana?! any one can be famus if thier rich enough to get into the aditions!! all the actors have no talent!!!!!! I HATE HANNAH MONTANA!!! AND HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!! it stoll my friens into the liking to it!! stupid public schoolers, they have no life.

I know.I love Disney thought.I hate Miley Cyrus.Thats not even her name! Ive been dying yo become famous and i have to work for it. People like her just grew up into it. She was lucky her dad was famous. I wanna be known. Yeaa. Some of those people dont know how to act.

No one is forcing you to watch it, are they? Maybe you've gotten too old for the Disney Channel. It's big deal. Just move on to another channel you like.

I just feel sorry for the kids who have their shows and think that they're good actors. Once the cuteness of youth wears off and they're in the real world, hopefully they'll know how to deal.

It makes me sad that they have the opportunity and do crap, but people with training, talent, and a passion are stuck.

High Schhol Musical DOES NOT represent what it means to be a theatre geek! Being one I know.

I agree with you. Since I'm a writer, I stay in tune with what's getting produced -- and I've perused a few of those shows.

I cannot believe that Disney, long a bastion of superb production values, is readily producing this odious dreck. Granted, they have to have programs on that channel, and they obviously don't want to just show their classic films [that would cut into their DVD sales profits] -- but it's really rather odd that they would green-light this cheap and highly mediocre trash. What's truly sad is the uproarious laughter you hear from the audience -- I haven't heard such bad and blatant laugh-track usage in decades. Trust me, there may be a live audience, but they're not laughing that much.

As for High School Musical, I finally watched that pile of horse manure a couple months ago and concluded that Disney must have gone out of their way to find the most wretched writers available. What's truly sad is that young kids are going to grow up thinking that that crap is the touchstone against which other shows are to be judged.

I totally agree. I hate Hanah Montana how ever you spell her name.