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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> AM I GOOD? *Auditioning for school play*?

Am I a good singer, dancer, actor?!
Be honest!!!!!!!

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Am I a good singer, dancer, actor?!
Be honest!!!!!!!

compared to 99% OF THE WANNA BE ACTORS....yes, you have some real potential......

...are you kidding me?

ummmmmm are you serious? You flicked me off. You are an ungodly person!

I'm in shock that u would even ask me if u are good girl I'm ganna have nightmares wow .. I'm speechless

don't stick to show biz

Um... you have to be kidding right. I'm not trying to be mean, but was that a joke? Because if it wasn't you have A LOT of work to do!!!!

You need a lot of work and some more grown up/mature material. No one will take you seriously.