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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> When and Where are the auditions for High School Musical 3 and the Hannah Montan

Question:For HSM 3

For Hannah Montana

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For HSM 3

For Hannah Montana

pshh, i wish i could be on either of those.

there's gonna be a hannah montana movie!? i hope she gets back with jake

is it on the disney website?

idk..but i tried out for hannah montana once..i made it to, but it was too expensive for me to go to..look at or something..i heard about mine over the radio.

Grand Canyon

LA, California

where else do they have it?
LA or just California is the number 1 capital for auditions

thats where are of the shows are made.................

the only thing that they might do an open call for is to be an exta.
you need an agent.

burbank and la depending on the audtion. you need an agent. if you have a resume and picture, send it to agencies. then if they like your picture they will make you sign a paper and hopefully they will send you on those audtions.

only agents have the breakdowns. the breakdowns basicallly say:

project C.S.A. where:
hannah montanta susie lee 2410 w.peachst

and all the stuff.