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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Have you see the stage play Woman In Black?

Question:I did, last year.I'd like to see it again as it was so good.Have you seen this, or perhaps another spooky stage play?
Please recommend one.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I did, last year.I'd like to see it again as it was so good.Have you seen this, or perhaps another spooky stage play?
Please recommend one.

i saw it when it was still pretty new - back in the early 90's. i was taking drama classes at school, and the whole class went to see the West End production of it when it went on tour. ( i saw it in Darlington).

i had already read the book, (by susan hill) which scared the living cr@p out of me, so i kind of knew what to expect, but it still totally freaked me out - especially when the Woman in Black walked through the audience ! what made it worse was that it was late in the night by the time we got back home, and when i tried to get back inside my house, i discovered that i'd left my key in my bedroom, and i couldn't get a response from my parents when i knocked on the door - it was a really dark and windy night, and i was really freaked out. i ended up waking up the neighbours and getting them to call my parents ! (i was really popular, lol)

did u know that there was also a TV film made of the Woman in Black ? it's not as good as the book / play, but still scary... if u haven't read the book, then i recommend that u try it - in my opinion, it'd better than both the play & the film.

No sorry never seen it

Seen it...didn't like it, the end was just groaningly bad..What Woman in Black?? LIKE WE DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING A MILE AWAY!!! ;-)

Maybe I'm not the person to ask, as nothing the entertainment industry calls horror or suspense works on me, I just laugh at things like Evil Dead et al. The only thing that ever worked was Jaws, and that was because I went to see it at the cinema aged 7.

The only other thing I can think of that works in the same way is Sleuth, which I seen on stage and is very good, but not really scary.