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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Im reading Romeo and Juliet for school and I have to make newspaper about it. Wh

Question:Help needed ASAP i g2 work on it its due on Dec. 2nd

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Help needed ASAP i g2 work on it its due on Dec. 2nd

Write an obituary about the tragic deaths of these 2 young people. Explain that the feud between their families was the main reason for their deaths.

well look at everything that happened now group the events under sub titles write what happens under each event and probably get a picture to help and there you go that simple

Invest in cliffnotes for Romeo and Juliet, it will break it down and make it easier to understand for us common folk. I used them for a tale of two cities and the count of monte cristo.
They are very good.

Rent the movie or see if your library has a copy of it in newer language to understand.

i say u watch the play

I think you mean like come up with a catchy headline than kind of summarize the story or a part of it like saying how two people were found dead today....then telling what the investigation showed up lol

Write about Romeo's overdose on drugs leading to the suicide of Juliet. Priest brought in for questioning.

This is a one of a kind love story .Filled with intrigue,dignity,family feuds,secret love encounters ,death.......everything that we can see at headlines today.Maybe you can add as extras a list of all the plays and movies made after Shakespeare first written.I will suggest if you can rent the movie adaption of Romeo & Juliet with Claire Daines and Leonard di Caprio.Will make things simplier for you.