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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What do you need to do/ bring with you to an open casting call (big brother 9)?

Question:I just want to be prepaired, anyone done this before? do you need to still fill out an application/ bring pic's with you? or do you just show up and its more like an interview? ANY information is so appreciated, thanks much!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just want to be prepaired, anyone done this before? do you need to still fill out an application/ bring pic's with you? or do you just show up and its more like an interview? ANY information is so appreciated, thanks much!!

IF you do not know how to audition or interview, there is little chance of your getting a part, unless this is for extras, then they just look at you, and might ask if you are available the day of the shoot. Take an adult with you. Do not pay for anything, unless it is just a photo for your application.

I know a place that can tell you what do you need to do with you to an open casting;

I know a place that can answer your question.