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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Can you suggest some good plays for students? and need some advice too! (plz rea

Question:you may post the link if you know any good plays for students. We are a bunch of students in our late teens. We are about 10 students who want to do a play for our school.

and this might sound stupid... but need to know... do we need to have costumes, lights , and make up for a play? I mean since we are not professionals, is there a way by which we could organize it without spending much on it?

your opinions are much appreciated! thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: you may post the link if you know any good plays for students. We are a bunch of students in our late teens. We are about 10 students who want to do a play for our school.

and this might sound stupid... but need to know... do we need to have costumes, lights , and make up for a play? I mean since we are not professionals, is there a way by which we could organize it without spending much on it?

your opinions are much appreciated! thanks

The school I worked at was a very poor school, and I was incharge of starting a theater project. The first day, we sat down and brainstormed ideas about what to do. We had no money and no costumes, or lights or sets.

We decided to split off into teams and each team would write about an assigned topic, some did scenes about school life, some did monolouges about homework, and some even wrote their own songs. We put the show together as a "variety" type of show and found a similar theme to string the individual acts together.

Everybody dressed in black (I'm sure that everyone has black clothing in your group) and invited friends and family.

Theater is not about lights, and sets, and costumes, its about a group of people joining together for an hour or two to tell a story. Sit down with your group and I'm sure that you can come up with some really great ideas!

try using ur brain than wasting time
anyway just to help u

try to remember anythin extraordinary that happned in ur life or ur friend or family...

u can modify it and make a play

u never no..

Maybe play a Shakespear play? Lots of people luv the poems or stories or whatever they are. And I think dressing up makes it more real and better for the audience.

well my favorite play that i did in high school was called "Moon Over Buffalo" - very funny and a huge crowd pleaser.

But to answer your question, you can do lots of scenes without costumes/props/etc. it just takes more work. You can always do a Brechtian-style play (Rent, Sweeny Todd, Chicago, etc.) that is known for very simple sets and costumes... or you can also just interpret it your own way!!! Have all the actors facing straightforward and mimicing interactions.

If you want to do a full-on stage production, however, you should be able to go to your administration and ask for funding for a play - most public schools require a certain amount of funding for the arts. Also, reach out to your community for funds, costumes, sets - you'd be surprised how many businesses and individuals are willing to donate (it's a tax write-off for them).

Good Luck - oh, sorry... BREAK A LEG!!

You dont need costumes or props great actors can show where they are what the obejects are by using pantomime which is very creative. And about what play to do really it depends on what you want the crowd to feel. You can make one up like a group of friends and I made a paly about what we thought happend in the Mona LIsa. It was about why we thought the Mona Lisa followed you we said she was cursed becasue she killed a girl. My drowningher we used pantomime whihc made it funnier since i drowened in a waterless area. The crowd loved it and we got a perfect score from our teacher who was grading us. (I'll write you our script if you like in and ill add parts for all ten of you.) if not think of your own ideas otheres give good luck and have fun

Two famous plays done in schools are Our Town and Spoon River Anthology. Both are popular because they require pretty much NO sets and NO costumes. The bareness of the stage is part of the effectiveness of the production.