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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Bookshelf dividers?

Question:I need an idea that i could use in the classroom to seperate my book selections, something with a bit of weight to stop them falling over... help..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need an idea that i could use in the classroom to seperate my book selections, something with a bit of weight to stop them falling over... help..

for an inexpensive fast do-it-yourself divider:
cover an appropriate size box with suitable paper or fabric scraps. You can just clue the paper or fabric to the box. Fill with rocks.

Do you mean other than book ends?

The easiest thing is to visit your school library and ask the school librarian if:
1. She/He has extra book ends you can borrow.
2. She /He can show you where to order book ends.

Highsmith has a good selection, Get bookends with a no skid base. DO NOT get book ends that clip onto the bookshelf. They break very easily. They can't be used on top of a table, file cabinet, or desk either.