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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are some good acting schools in the NY City area where I can just take one

Question:Where I do not have to take an entire program....
& its not that expensive....
and it would have to be after work even weekends if need be :::)))

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Where I do not have to take an entire program....
& its not that expensive....
and it would have to be after work even weekends if need be :::)))

Pick up a copy BackStage, the theatre trade paper. There's a listing of several limited enrollment classes teachers. Programs will vary from a few weeks to 2 years, or open ended with a variety of subjects from differering coaches and guest artists. Some offer a one time "audit" of a class. However, be sure you are looking to have a professional experience. Any training program is unlikely to tolerate someone who just wants to have a "fun" night out. Classes are often enjoyable, but the attitude is professional and disciplined. If it isn't, then you're probably in the wrong class.

try AADA
(American Academy for Dramatic Arts)

Go right to the "horse's mouth" and when you get the tip, "don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

That would be the Screen Actor's Guild (SAG) website, a comparatively apolitical outfit, which has contacts locally and nationally and connections with schools.

There you go, pal. That's a good starter.