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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> IM Going to Audition For a play and I need Help!!!?

Question:I chose a Song and Im auditioning for the lead as as close to the lead as possible.How can i improve my singing voice quickly.,.any excersises i could do..and how to project my voice..:)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I chose a Song and Im auditioning for the lead as as close to the lead as possible.How can i improve my singing voice quickly.,.any excersises i could do..and how to project my voice..:)

A good projection exercise starts with breathing. The more breath you can take in and hold, the more powerful a sound you can project. This is a simple exercise that you can do on a bus, in class or whenever.

Breathe in through your nose for four counts and hold the breath for four counts. Exhale for four counts and hold for four counts.

Thats pretty much it. After you complete that, add one count to the exercise and see how far you can get. What this does is work your diaphragm, helping to strengthen it. If you do this exercise once a day, going from four counts up to at least 32 counts, you will see a marked difference in the power of your voice in about a week.

Aside from doing daily scale work, this really helped me when I auditioned for college. Feel free to email me if you have other questions,

practice the singing scale. it would be a good idea to get a vocal coach. they can help you improve. best of luck to you :)

well pick a song the same vocal range has the character u want and make sure its about the same style of music.
don't force notes out of ur throat because it could damage ur voice. pronuciate ur words cause in theatre u must overarticulate everything u do on stage. choose i song that ur comfortable with and be familair with it before auditions.
good luck!

A very quick and easy tip for voice projection is to pick out a spot to sing to before you start. Example: if you are on stage and there is a spot light on you, or you see an Exit sign in the back, or even to the a little fly on the wall....focus your voice (concentrate on it) when you sing, to that spot and only that spot. It's hard to explain but once you understand your voice naturally projects to that spot and sounds very focused. Hope this helps! Good Luck!