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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What's ur fav Broadway Musical!?

Question:Mine: The Lion King definitely! Loved it!! was sooo Brilliant!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Mine: The Lion King definitely! Loved it!! was sooo Brilliant!!

Wicked - I love it sooooo much!

Second is Rent :)


My favorite Broadway musical goes back to the 70's .......Pippin. It was a Bob Fosse musical........incredible!

Tanz der Vampire
Gotta love the foreign musicals!

wicked and singin' in the rain
the sound of music was also well-done.

I have three favorites!!!

I love:

Spring Awakening
Little Shop of Horrors

They all have great music, and are all very thought provoking and powerful. Though Little Shop is a bit more tongue-in-cheek, it still has a bit of a haunting end.

I definately love lots of broadway shows, but probably my favorite would have to be Legally Blonde The Musical

I really like The Music Man. It's awesome. In fifth grade I performed in The Music Man Jr.

I don't have one favorite... I have 7!

First - Wicked! (of course!)
Second - Spamalot
Third - Drowsy Chaperone
Fourth - Lion King
Fifth - Curtains
Sixth- Hairspray
Seventh - 110 in the Shade