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Question:how can i fulfill my dream of acting? can anyone give me advice on it! eg. tips, techniques,agents auditions, monologues?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how can i fulfill my dream of acting? can anyone give me advice on it! eg. tips, techniques,agents auditions, monologues?

ok as you ask this many times, I've actually gone and looked around [= well kinda, i knew the site but looked deeper into it :D are the like... 'big' stage newspaper, you may find some of the articles on it quite interesting.

heres there forum;

try asking something here;

practice, practice, practice. the more experience you have, the better you will get. audition for local productions going on , suck as school plays( if ur still in high school), and other things. where i live there's a theater that puts on productions frequently and allows anyone to audition. it's called Civic Theater, maybe there's something like it near you. **** luck!

Well you will need classes of some sort. You can look around for these. I would recommend seeing a career coach early on to establish what your type is and how to best market yourself in your headshots. I do warn you not to get into this for fame or fortune, as you will be unhappy unless this is what you are really passionate about. Almost any skill can be applied to an acting career, so if you do not have acting studios in your area, take dance classes, music lessons, sports lessons, etc. It will all be useful. Also, a great place to start on reading material is Promoting Your Acting Career by Glenn Alterman. Very good book on the business side and you can buy it inexpensively on usually. If you are up for it and not living in California, I would recommend you start in New York City over Los Angeles(though regional theater is easier to break into than both). Most casting directors want to see theater on your resume, even for film/tv, and alot of the best places to train(including 3 of the top 4 year conservatories) are there.

Have a look around my site for new and aspiring actors. I'm sure you will find some very useful information. Start here:
