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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Anyone an extra actor in america?

Question:how competitive is it, wats the pay like, and is there a way to get a list of agencies on the net, im from australia

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how competitive is it, wats the pay like, and is there a way to get a list of agencies on the net, im from australia

My neice was an extra in an upcoming movie with George Clooney and Renee' Zelwieger. It is coming to theatres in December. Anyhow, the movie was being filmed locally and the news paper asked if anyone wanted to be an extra. Jess (my neice) went down and auditioned and got a really great 'extra' part. She is the beautiful red head, wearing a fushia colored scarf, who will be walking with a stack of papers in her hand or sitting at her clerical desk, JUST when George and Renee's characters meet for the firt time! She only made minimum wage, but she didn't care, it was the opportunity that that was worth more to her. She is a college student so, it was also "fun".

Good luck to you!