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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are the primary differences between the Adler Technique, the Meisner Techiq

Question:I am an actor who is just starting and need to know the differences between these acting techniques so that I may better be informed in my choices.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am an actor who is just starting and need to know the differences between these acting techniques so that I may better be informed in my choices.

What they all have in common is creating an inner life for the character - they 'differ' in the 'techniques' used to get there. Very simply, Adler (the closest in fact to the original ideas/practices of Stanislavsky) is based upon exercises she devised using names like justification and given circumstances. There are a couple of great books on her that illustrate it quite well. Meisner is based in large part on 'listening/reacting' improvisation, which is later applied directly to script work. The so-called 'Method' are exercises that are rooted in 'sense memory', basically using experiences from your own life to infuse life into the character. Personally I've always liked Uta Hagen's approach, which resembles Adler more than the others, where she uses the idea of creating a set of 'do-able actions' that reveal the character in the script. She too has written a couple of books that are very helpful in understanding the work. Many schools/classes will allow you to 'audit' a class, sometimes for free, where you 'sit-in' as an observer for a class session. Always try to ask if they allow this - it's a great way to see the teachers in action, and the kind of work that the students do.