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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are some good tips while auditioning for an agency?

Question:I would like to try out for an agency and would like to see if there is anything I missed. Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would like to try out for an agency and would like to see if there is anything I missed. Thank you.

the way you present yourself is very important. don't walk in wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. dress nice. and come in with presence and confidence. say hello to the person who is holding the audition and make sure you make eye contact. when you walk into the room, don't look at the floor and have confidence in yourself. most importantly, look like youre happy to be there. if you walk in with an attitude or are really reserved, they're going to htink you;re unpleasant to work with.

I am a theatre critic. If you would like to talk this through in some depth contact me at

Here are some great tips for presenting a monologue.

You should know that often times an agency will want to hear a monologue and casting directors often will want to hear sides.

Good luck!


You'll need to start out by sending your headshot and resume, then see what the agent needs from there. I have some friends whose commerical agents have never seen them work, they just have a great look. It depends on who is potentially going to represent you, and they will let you know what to prepare.

Also, a side note, NEVER go with an agent that wants up front, or monthly payment. They work for you, and will only get paid if they get you work.

just imagine your character before hand. spend some time by yourself imagining what your character is like. then practice practice practice being that character in different situations and what you think that they would do. you have to beee the character. practice makes perfect!