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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Does watching musicals overwhelm you?

Question:Do you get emotional (excited nervous teary) when watching musicals live on stage? And what is your favourite musical?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you get emotional (excited nervous teary) when watching musicals live on stage? And what is your favourite musical?

yes i do, usually if i think that i have gone through similar ordeals like the character is feeling (namely the song "For Good" in Wicked), or if the character ends up having a little bit of happiness...(the end kiss scene between the phantom and christine in the Phantom of the Opera)

yes, every time. i saw rent yesterday!

overwhelm isn't the word for me. More like 'move' but then again I was a theatre major in college :D. I don't really have one favorite but some of the ones that really speak to me are RENT and Hair. I saw Wicked and liked the music but the actual story was just a bit 'eh' for me (and story is part of the package) Saw the Lion King and loved it but it didn't really speak to me like the previously mentioned two did. I'd love to see many many many more when I have the money.

I am not so moved. I enjoyed Guys and Dolls more than any other I've seen on stage. That's one out of three or four. I was fortunate enough to play in the pit band at school.

fame did it for me

Last night I saw Desperately Seeking Susan in London. I was distinctly underwhelmed. Hoping for better next week when I'm going to see Hairspray (London). Absolutely nothing like the orchestra striking up in Les Miserables. Once I hear it, I know I'm in for a great night.

Sometimes I cry when the tap dancing is really really good.

Only a few musicals make me cry, but then again, I'm not a very emotional person..
My favorite musical is Tanz der Vampire. I'm a sucker for foreign musicals.