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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> In romeo and juliet act one scene three what is important about juliet's res

Question:the question was what lady capulet asked which is what are your feelings about getting married. her response was its an honor that i dont even dream of. so as i sais before what is important about her response?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: the question was what lady capulet asked which is what are your feelings about getting married. her response was its an honor that i dont even dream of. so as i sais before what is important about her response?

well she is indicating to her mother that she doesnt think about marrage yet, also she thinks of it as an honor nothing less. but after lady capulet asks what she thinks of paris she says basicly that if it made her mother happy she would aggree on it.

i don't even know anything about subtle stuff like that

she hasn't thought about marraige yet and not to paris or idk i gess she hasnt' spent any time thnking about it

that if she gets married,juliet will not be bratty about it. she would actually like to get married. also she just has manners.

It's not important. Her mother asked her a question, and she's answering it like a good girl.

i think Juliet means...

it would be great to be married, its just that she doesnt dream of it because of the person she would be marrying.
it would probably be someone of whom she didnt even get to meet...
it would be like an arranged marriage... to some one she didnt even lovee.

ya get what im trying to say?


i loveeeddd romeo and juliet..
one of my FAVORITES.

well that depends how far u are in the play, but its probably important because she really would hate getting married and in a few days she ends up marrying romeo anyway. its rather ironic. plus i dont remember but she may hav said something like shed rather die or shed rather something horrible happen to her than to be married and in the end after she does get married she ends up dying anyway. IRONY is the key throughout this whole play. her mom wants her to marry paris she doesnt want to marry, meets romeo well the idea of not marrying goes out the door and their newlyweds, no one besides a few kno theyr'e married so the mom still wants her to marry paris but she still objects cuz shes married anyway but her mom doesnt kno that so she just thinks her kid is stubborn. its rather a sad yet kinda funny situation. but her response is important cuz she ends up changing her mind and its ironic. its actually very important.

I believe her response has to do because she was so young and she may not have fallen in love yet and marriage is an honorable commitment that she felt she wasn't ready for that is until she met Romero.