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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How to be athletic musical and be an actor all at once?

Question:Time managment, different activities, and a lot have caffeine. lol

Good for you! Just don't hert yourself. If you want a simple way try out for high school musical.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Time managment, different activities, and a lot have caffeine. lol

Good for you! Just don't hert yourself. If you want a simple way try out for high school musical.

take acting lessons, singing lessons, and be on a sports team.

You have to be extremely good with time management. If your sports team and theater have conflicting schedules, unfortunately you're going to have to pick one or the other. It really depends on which one you take more pleasure out of. I used to do baseball and soccer on the high school team, but I ended up dropping them to work in the community theater. If your theater isn't after school though, that works out perfectly for you! Just do all that you can during your drama classes and then work your butt off at sports practice after school.