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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Describe how special effects were used in Macbeth.?

Question:Originally, there was a fake head used at the ending of the climactic fight scene, I hope. It would not be a good thing to have a new player for the lead character every performance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Originally, there was a fake head used at the ending of the climactic fight scene, I hope. It would not be a good thing to have a new player for the lead character every performance.

Well... there is the special effect of Fire... and the special effect of Wind... and of course the special effect of smell. The crowd in Shakespearean Theater had a smell all its own, and it was rather unpleasant. Duplicating that smell is a special effect all it's own.

Are you asking this question because you need to answer you homework at school? Thou bootless unwash'd moldwarp!

well i know that it was a production of macbeth that a thunder machine was used for only the second time

all the best