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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Male monologue help! ( of those)?

I'm looking for a really good monologue for a male about age 20-35 from a play written after the 1940's. I was thinking perhaps Tennessee Williams or Arthur Miller, but I'm absolutely open to ANYTHING! Thanks!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey!
I'm looking for a really good monologue for a male about age 20-35 from a play written after the 1940's. I was thinking perhaps Tennessee Williams or Arthur Miller, but I'm absolutely open to ANYTHING! Thanks!!!!!

I suggest "The Time of Your Life" by William Saroyan. There is a monologue about 2/3's the way through the play by the character, Willie Faroli (the pinball wizard) that would fit your needs. This is actually a great character study of the period and there are several monologues through out the play. I'm partial to Willie's though.

I don't know if you can find it, but the monologue is a skit from Kids in the Hall called "I am a bad doctor," or something on that line. It's hilarious and a good length for an audition. Break a leg, buddy ^^

Eddie's speech to his mother near the end of the first scene in Lost in Yonkers.