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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is stage acting experience, like Broadway, viewed favorably by movie producers?

Question:Or if you want to eventually be in the movies, are you better off shooting straight for being in the movies because maybe they don't respect stage experience?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Or if you want to eventually be in the movies, are you better off shooting straight for being in the movies because maybe they don't respect stage experience?

I am not in that business but I have read articles, etc which say yes, this is good. Show business experience on stage or screen or even behind the scenes is all part of it. They had an article in the newspaper that said if you want into show business get experience.

Many actors are cast as a result of being seen in a stage role.

Stage and screen acting are, however, vastly different.

Many screen actors were trained in formal theater at school or conservatory.