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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Auditioning kids for commercials - why are they so rude?

Question:This is the fourth time I've been to an audition for a tv commercial. The people who run these auditions are so rude. I mean, down right nasty. Is the whole industry like this? Can someone give me some insight here?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is the fourth time I've been to an audition for a tv commercial. The people who run these auditions are so rude. I mean, down right nasty. Is the whole industry like this? Can someone give me some insight here?

One reason could be that some casting directors really don't like what they are doing, but feel trapped and don't know what else they could do.

Another reason is because some casting directors themselves never had successful careers and a part of them holds that against actors who come in to audition.

Those two are just personal theories of mine, that are not founded, just speculation.

However, I do know for a fact after talking to many casting directors and hearing them speak and going to forums and meets and greets, that there is another reason why they are so rude. Perhaps this is the biggest reason.

To put it like one noted casting director said once in a seminar I took with her, "There are not enough actors."
When she said that, I was puzzled, because I always thought that there were way too many actors out there. So I asked for clarification.
"Are you saying that there are not enough actors out there or that there are not enough good actors out there."
She smiled and said, "Yes, thank you for asking that question. That is precisely what I mean. There are so many actors who come into auditions that are not trained and they waste our time. For us casting directors who have to see sometime hundreds of actors for a project, it can be very trying."

So are they justified in being rude? Probably not, but try and put yourself in their shoes and maybe you'll understand better.

So, if you are trained well and trained in how to audition, just be confident and show it. Do your best. Be prepared. And most of all, with regard to the question you asked, just put on your thickest skin. Now you know what to expect as you are starting to gain more experience, so don't let it get to you.


they hate their jobs, but make a lot of money...sooo
it seems that you should love your job, whatever the money is as long as you can pay your bills??

Maybe not the whole industry but it sure helps to be prepared.

probably because they have to deal with alot of arrogant nasty stage parents who think their kid is the best. Gets old after a while.

they realize that they are part of a sick and vile industry (advertising in general, nothing against the actors themselves).
Not to mention, the advertising industry is one of the few industries i can think of where the customer (general public) is treated like shyt because it's the advertisors who actually pay for the ad. They suck *** to the person paying for the ad, and crap all over the general public. Examples of this are network television, newspapers, ALL internet companies (when was the last time google or yahoo did anything nice to an individual person?), etc.
So it's not surprising that ad companies crap on actors too.

Well, you know. You gotta look from these peoples point of view. They deal with dozens and dozens of whiney kids and demanding parents all day long. It's their job. They have more people to check out after you. You don't mean anything to them, their there for a check. Just like you and I. I'm sure they could be a little more personal, but time is money in the buisness. Can't get a head unless your giving it or stepping on some one elses face.

a lot of it is the perception of the business. they think because their in "show biz" they have to act superior because that's what they think they have to do. they also tend to be EXTREMELY PETTY AND VINDICTIVE so just grit your teeth and bare it. and when you make it remember to treat people with the respect you didn't get. it WILL catch on.

Because they're developing attitudes and big egos because they're so insecure.
The industry is cutthroat; if it's a game, it's being played 'for keeps'.
You're not there to make friends and you don't have to be mean too!
Keep within yourself, stay centered and don't pay much attention for them them; think about your goals.
Stay happy and wise!

These people see so many kids with no talent that have rude parents who think they do that its just second nature for them to act that way.

They see hundreds upon hundreds of kids. Plus, this is what the industry is like. They just don't see the individuality of most people, just what they are looking for.

If you dish it right back to them in a humorous way, they're bewildered and taken off guard. Then they feel like YOU are the one who has to be impressed. It's really weird, but it works.
Hollywood, anyway.

Beware - Not all are professionally auditioning for commercials.

Many, are hurding everyone in like cows to the slaughter house.

Once you get inside, they want to make a video (your cost), and photos (your cost). Oh, you have Head Shots? Ours get results! Buy ours!

You get the info kit with a list of agents, blah blah blah.

What just happened? You just dragged your precious child through a sea of hmm hmm people who took you for at least 100 bucks, that's ALL that happened.

The parents who don't know this, all think they need to compete against a hundred other parents and kids for the one and only available slot. That brings out the meaness in them.

The promoters don't stagger the times for all of the people who have to wait, because they don't care. They want money, and that brings out the meaness in them, too.

To get you in and out. NEXT!!!!