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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Lions for Lambs reviewed as "Ibsen with helicopters" What does that re

Question:Okay drama critics. I have no idea what this means or refers to but I'd like to know!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay drama critics. I have no idea what this means or refers to but I'd like to know!

Henrick Ibsen was a famous Scandanavian playwright who wrote notoriously sad and depressing plays about:

Loveless marriage (Dolls House)
Dying of syphillis (Dolls House, Ghosts)
The death of small children (Little Eyolf)

I guess the reviewer meant sad and depressing. Possibly a bit turgid too (which Ibsen sometimes is) and lacking in any humour and light relief.

It could mean there's a whole lot of angst and navel-gazing in it.

But frankly it doesn't sound like a rave review of a GOOD movie, so I think it probably means "this one's a Thanksgiving turkey."

I think Ibsen was famous for addressing the social ills of the day, social commentary/critique kind of thing. The movie is this 'with helicopters', meaning the attempt to 'update it' or make it relevant. That's how I took it anyway.