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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> My play opens Friday. Tonight will be the first time the cast has been able to r

Question:It will be the first full tech rehearsal. Everyone is nervous. The cast members are still occasionally flubbing lines but I know it's mostly nerves and the appalling rehearsal conditions. These guys are great actors and I know what they can do. Question: We have been nominated for the AWARD. (Regional thing, big deal.) I just found out that the judge is going to be there OPENING NIGHT!. Should I tell the cast or not?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It will be the first full tech rehearsal. Everyone is nervous. The cast members are still occasionally flubbing lines but I know it's mostly nerves and the appalling rehearsal conditions. These guys are great actors and I know what they can do. Question: We have been nominated for the AWARD. (Regional thing, big deal.) I just found out that the judge is going to be there OPENING NIGHT!. Should I tell the cast or not?

Welcome to the world of "wet paint" shows.

I am living proof that these are survivable.

DO NOT tell your cast that a judge is going to be attending Opening Night. They got enough already, and the judge knows.

Bad Dress Good Opening. Break various appendages!

I personally would wait until after the performance on the opening night. They will be under a lot of pressure as it is, without the added pressure of knowing that the judge is in. I expect there will be one or two who wish you would have told them, but the majority will not want to know.

Best of luck and hope all goes well.

tyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... (my black cat wishes you luck too!) (Have just got her off the keyboard!!!)

I would tell them that you never know when the judge might show up, so they need to do equally well at all performances.
First tech is always a mess. Just do it as efficiently as possible.

I would tell them because they need to know this is a serious thing.

Not on your life! If you think they are pressed and flubbing things before, just wait for that news to sink in!

Let them be them-playing-their-part, not playing to impress someone one night but not the others.

Nope, don't tell.

I wouldn't tell them. Opening night jitters are hard to deal with for some people, adding extra pressure is something you definitely do not want to do. Just tell them all to relax and do their best.