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Question:I have to write a 2-4 minute monologue for my theater classes monologue show, but i cant think of anything to write about. any ideas for a good subject?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have to write a 2-4 minute monologue for my theater classes monologue show, but i cant think of anything to write about. any ideas for a good subject?

Plot ideas: murder, a crime of passion, a love story, treason

Setting: Make it somewhere fun, i.e. Paris, New York, or somewhere fun but no one's heard of it (popularize that place) OR somewhere you make up

Characters: Make them different ethncities, religions, and different ages OR they could be fantastical, i.e fairies, witches, elves, monsters, etc.

Names: Go to and lok up names with that origin (for accuracy) b/c you don't want to say Mrs. Lopez who lives in China speaks a Nigerian dialect, and is married to a Native American (random)... or maybe you might want to do that

P.S. I'm really tired , so I'm part serious, part silly right now : )

you can write about anything in the world .... but make sure you include the most IMPORTANT thing of any monologue .... EMOTIONAL CHANGE .... if there is no emotional change, ur monologue is a piec of poop

Maybe you have some terminal illness, or yo hate your family, or you must kill your teacher. There are millions of topics. Just narrow it down to one.