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Question:Me & My Friends Have To Make A Small School Play Or Sketch Not More Than 15min. But It Should Be Very Funny ! Any Suggestions ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Me & My Friends Have To Make A Small School Play Or Sketch Not More Than 15min. But It Should Be Very Funny ! Any Suggestions ?

ok it's a doctors office...waiting room...and theres someone sitting there with the hickups...
someone walks in and sits next to the person with the hickups...and the person with the hickups asks the person why they're seeing the doctor..and the person says...he has a nervous tick(the person is jerkin their head to the side, touching their ear to their shoulder about once every second)...

then then the person with the hikups..says "oh i have the hickups"..but then the person with the hickups catches the tick...and starts jerking their head ..the same way...(Hickup... Tick ...Hickup ...Tick) .the person that had the tick..says oh my god i'm cured ...and runs out of the doctors office...while the person with the hickups and the very annoyed...

then someone else walks in with a loud sneeze...and the same thing happens...( hickup-tick person asks...catches the sneeze..and then is doing all three.(hickup-tick-sneeze)..and the other says.."i'm cured..yay" and runs out...

You just keep having people come into the doctors office...and you can think of all the crazy things that the person could catch... it's really hilarious to watch...BUT the person that does the hickups and then catches everything..has to be really funny..cause they have to do everything in order..and it gets really hard after a while...and still keep it funny...The more physical the by the end the person is pretty much flailing...around...

the only thing is i can't remember how it ends...i'm pretty sure the doctor calls the persons name...and he just screams and runs out of the office....But you could think up your own ending....

maybe the person could touch the doctor..and then the doctor catches..everything....or a patient comes in and says they have the hickups..and so the person touches them ..and then says i'm cured..and runs away......hope that helps...=)

and the suggestion about the guys in drag is deffinately could have some of the patients being guys in drag it would be hilarious...OR...having one of your (Male)..teachers or drag..and be the doctor...would KILL...And i'm sure they wouldn't mind cause it's a clean skitt....

have a guy play a girl, i don't know why but its always a crowd pleaser

how many people is small? Right now my school is doing a production of 16 people total (8 and 8). it's called Fair Exchange by Kurtz Gordon. I'd never heard of it before our director told us we were doing it as a play. It's set in the 1950's, but our director changed it to be the '80s. I think it would be better w/ the '50s, but that's a totally different answer. It's cute and funny with some suspence. If you want to know more go to and scroll down to Fair exchange, it has a synopsis.

I hope that was helpful. :-)

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