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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Famous actor vs Working actor survival?

Question:Is it possible to be a successful working actor in tv/film without being famous? It's not about the fame nor the money to me. Acting is my passion I'll even do it for free. But ironically the money is helpful to provide for my family because of the kind of world we live in. So can if your not famous can you still earn a pretty good amount?Thanks all!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it possible to be a successful working actor in tv/film without being famous? It's not about the fame nor the money to me. Acting is my passion I'll even do it for free. But ironically the money is helpful to provide for my family because of the kind of world we live in. So can if your not famous can you still earn a pretty good amount?Thanks all!!

Keeping in mind the scope of your question - Of course it is possible to make a living at acting without being a household name but seriously the great majority or even union actors are unemployed at any given time. Many have their hands in other things whether it be a side job, writing and producing, doing theatre jobs that pay, etc. You have to pay the bills. If your spouse can support you, then great but otherwise you need to have something else going on. The lucky ones have a steady stream of guest spots paying the bills, but beyond that you become recognizable.


of course. it's called playing the secondary roles on tv/films. generally the audience pay more attention the main characters but neglect other perfectly acted secondary characters. pretty much the more roles you have (mostly secondary) the more that you can make a pretty good living off of. Just look at broadway. all those triple threats on there don't get the amount of attention that they should for how talented they are. instead we're stuck with the Paris Hitlons and Britney Spears of the entertainment business. *throws up in mouth* I guess the best example would be Kristin Chenoweth. she isn't really famous but she's not poor. she's a working actress and a really good one at that.

Yes, I have a good friend from high school that I see on TV frequently. She's been a working actor since about 1973. She's been in movies, soaps, prime time (lots of housekeeper type roles), stage, and tons of commercials. She makes a very nice living and can still go to the grocery store or out to dinner without anyone knowing who she is.

That being said, I spent several years in New York without ever setting foot on stage. I'd worked pretty much constantly in St. Louis, but once I got to NYC, that was it. You need talent, determination and a couple of really good breaks.

Just think of the nurses on ER ..that have been with the show for 10 + years...they are making a good living...but they did get lucky..they got hired on a show..that lasted...and did very have to work your but off to get on a good show..thats going to stay on...with all these reality shows..theres not too many good scripted shows left these days...but you can always get paid daily as an extra for films...and after you have a few movies under your can work your way up to t.v.. shows and then movies..Julia roberts got noticed as an extra...