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Question:Consider the various artist's that contribute to the final production of a stage play. Which of the collaborative positions do you think are more important and are the driving force of a stage play?

Actor, costume, play wright, Sound designer director, and Stage manager,
How would you rank positions in the order you think is most important, and in your opinion why do you think is most important?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Consider the various artist's that contribute to the final production of a stage play. Which of the collaborative positions do you think are more important and are the driving force of a stage play?

Actor, costume, play wright, Sound designer director, and Stage manager,
How would you rank positions in the order you think is most important, and in your opinion why do you think is most important?

Without the playwright, there is no play. In my not-so-humble opinion:

1: Playwright
2: Director
3: Technical Director
4: Costumer
5: Lighting designer
6: Sound designer
7: Stage manager
8: ASM or Deck manager
9: Running crew
10: Actor(s)

The director is most important. A lot of people will say the actors but that is because they are simply the most VISIBLE element of the ones you listed. But the director has chosen a play hopefully because he has something that he wants to accomplish or something important that he wants to say. He auditions actors that are the best tools for him to use to get this message across. The technical aspects -- costumer, lighting designer, etc. are important of course, but as a cast of Hamlet showed back in the 60s, you can do a show in black turtleneck sweaters and a bare stage if the acting is good enough.

If you ask them, they are all going to say "they" are. But the answer lies in team players. Each plays a part, other wise it falls a part.