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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can i not b so scared when i sing and the girl i don't like is their?hel

Question:c well i have signed up for my talent show at my middle school and i am so excited! i am singing nobody's perfect by Hannah Montana! and i am so ready but the thing is that i found out that the girl i do not like is doing it her name begins with a M and she does not like me but i don't care.but as i was saying the reson i am scared is because i know she can sing very well and the 1st place winner wins $50 cash! and well everyday in drama she also tells me in a mean way "hey i am doing the talent show and everyone is their 4 me" and i know on purpose she asks everyone in front of me this "hey r u going to the talent show because their is going to be a lot of good talent and well some bad"and when she say some bad she gives me a look like she is saying that i suck.i try to tell my self that i can do it and i will get on that stage and sing and have fun! but no matter how many times i tell me that i always freak out because of can u plz let me know how to get her out of my mind?HELP!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: c well i have signed up for my talent show at my middle school and i am so excited! i am singing nobody's perfect by Hannah Montana! and i am so ready but the thing is that i found out that the girl i do not like is doing it her name begins with a M and she does not like me but i don't care.but as i was saying the reson i am scared is because i know she can sing very well and the 1st place winner wins $50 cash! and well everyday in drama she also tells me in a mean way "hey i am doing the talent show and everyone is their 4 me" and i know on purpose she asks everyone in front of me this "hey r u going to the talent show because their is going to be a lot of good talent and well some bad"and when she say some bad she gives me a look like she is saying that i suck.i try to tell my self that i can do it and i will get on that stage and sing and have fun! but no matter how many times i tell me that i always freak out because of can u plz let me know how to get her out of my mind?HELP!

so what, she will have some of her friends in the audience cheering her on, but the chances are if she flaunts round the stage singing in a really smug " oh-i'm-so-perfect" way, then the rest of the audience will see likes a total show-off.. and cheer you on more, once you get on stage just forget about her, if you worry bout her then your performance will be bad where you wont be concentrating, ust get up there, sing, perform your butt off, and forget about her.

omg what a ........
Anyway I doubt she'll even win
most people do battle of the bancd and skits and I bet 1 of those will win
dont let this girl get to u
you'll have friends there cheering u on just think about them and u would do great
go up to her and tell her off tell her she cant bug u
your better than her I just know it
just think of your friends that will be watchin block out that girl
-your friend Lunastar, good luck at the talent show ; )

I wish you could punch her in the mouth, it is what she deserves. Just wait, and eventually she will get hers! You don't have to do the show, You need The O;Reilly Factor for Kids. Get a copy and read it on how to deal with bullies, for that is what she is.