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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How to improve in my cold reading skills for acting?

Question:I'm taking classes, but I'm going to take a month break from class.... In this month, I want to improve my cold reading skills and become more confident. When I do a cold read, I always stumble over the lines, and can't express myself fully. Why is that?

Can you also give me advice to work on my diction, and speaking clearly?

Oh and I 'm trying to get headshots in LA... Do you have any recommendations? Thank You!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm taking classes, but I'm going to take a month break from class.... In this month, I want to improve my cold reading skills and become more confident. When I do a cold read, I always stumble over the lines, and can't express myself fully. Why is that?

Can you also give me advice to work on my diction, and speaking clearly?

Oh and I 'm trying to get headshots in LA... Do you have any recommendations? Thank You!

I can't tell you about headshots in LA since I'm in SF.

I have found a great way to keep up my cold reading skills is to find a writing school or center and volunteer to read at scene nights. An aspiring writer get to hear his/her stuff read, hear if it works and get feedback from fellow writers and the actors.

Go on rounds of auditions, even if you don't get a call back you can gain experience.

Offer to read at a local center for the blind. Oh heck just pick up a book at home and start reading aloud.

take Improv classes or start a improv club or something its fun and makes you more relaxed bc you learn to react to others and adjust to change.

drink b4 you go

I can't give you any advice for headshots in LA or really on the diction, but cold readings, I can do...

My acting teacher (I'm a theatre major) always said to just take a view minutes reading it over. If you receive the script and then the director asks you to just jump in, ask for a few minutes. If they say that they want you to go immdiately, you need to think about if you really want to work with the director. Also, talk over with your scene partner a little right before you dive into it. Make sure that you all know what your goal is in the scene. Also, if there are small stage directions, USE THEM. It shows the director that you've actually read the script and haven't just skimmed it over. But, make sure that if you're going to do anything physical with your scene partner, that they know.

Good luck!!!

cold reading is just that. you just read it. don't try to do anything really unless the director tells you to do so. in everyday life you don't slur through words quickly, do you? you actually talk. well, when doing cold reading, picture yourself doing arm gestures and such. it'll make it easier. don't focus on it too much. just kinda go into a mode where you read blankly, listen to what people say, and picture yourself doing those things. talk like you would normally, imagine you're talking to your friends. imagining things like that will help get rid of the nerves that are causing you to stumble and help with diction and speaking clearly. unless you're playing a drunk, don't EVER!!! slur your words or talk faster than normal. if your character is getting excited, get that edge in your voice and get louder. sorry, don't know any headshots in LA. good luck! XD