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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What is your Midsummer night's dream?

Question:Midwinter's would be a feather quilt and a warm bed. Midsummer? A raft on a certain, secluded mountain lake, naked with a cooler full of beer and food and some attractive company.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Midwinter's would be a feather quilt and a warm bed. Midsummer? A raft on a certain, secluded mountain lake, naked with a cooler full of beer and food and some attractive company.

Shakespearean. Flowers, music, starry skies, a glad company of friends and star-crossed lovers mended, merry jest and dancing. And Mickey Rooney of course.

For some its William's for others Woody's for me its NORWAY.

a nice *Bottom*....