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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Have you ever had a lead role?

Question:If so, what role, and what play, and how old were you?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If so, what role, and what play, and how old were you?


It varies a lot. Often depends on when people started. I went right from a villian in the 9th grade to leads in high school. So it also depends on your drama teachers assessment of your ability to do a lead successfully. it also depends on your looks, as all casting is done by look first, then ability. so you may feel it is your turn, but others may not see it that way. Best of luck, Doc

Yes I was in the musical, "Beauty and the Beast." When I was 17. I'm 18 now and going to be doing West Side Story hopefully playing Tony. We have yet to do auditions but I am confident that I will get a lead role due to the fact that I'm in love with that musical.

-This was an interesting question. What are your reasons for asking? Are you in a musical and or play this year?


yes all the time .aty school in playsm and stuff

I had the lead role in Beauty and the Beast as Belle an dit happened 2 days ago so I was still 11. It was part Musical

Baker's Wife in Into the Woods Jr.
Cinderella in Cinderella Wore Combat Boots.
Muffin in Nifty Fifties.
Myself in Godspell......if you've seen Godspell, you know what I mean...but I sang Bless the Lord my Soul

It really depends on the pool of actors available to the director. I know at my old school, I might not have ever gotten a lead role because there were absolutely astounding actors at my school, and my director was a bit biased towards some more than others as well. Ideally, a teacher shouldn't play favorites, but it happens anyways.

In this school though, I'm probably one of the best around, so I land a lead role in any play that I audition for! I landed my first one at 16.

Basically, it's really a matter of how good you are, who you're competing with, and whether or not your director likes you.