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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Disney channel actresssss?!!!!!?

Question:I want to be an actress for disney.. i know alot of kids ask this... How can i become better? Where can i find auditions? How can i get the information i need for when the auditions are? Do you know any disney channel upcoming shows that need actresses? Please help!
~mandyyy =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to be an actress for disney.. i know alot of kids ask this... How can i become better? Where can i find auditions? How can i get the information i need for when the auditions are? Do you know any disney channel upcoming shows that need actresses? Please help!
~mandyyy =)

Forget it. You have to be an actress first. And you are not an actress until you are acting in plays. You cannot do anything without your parents' consent until you are 18 so get them to work on your career. Otherwise you have no chance. There are no magic Disney web sites. It is an urban myth shared by all the starry eyed teenies.

u should,n't, their all bad.

hi, maybe u can go to disney . good luck