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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do I create a personality?

Question:people, he was talking about a character he has to portray as an actor. geez.

well, as an actor, you sort of have to be a professional people watcher. one of my favorite things to do is just go to a cafe and observe people. does that one guy always discreetly scratch his ear when he thinks nobody is watching? how does the cashier get his hair out of his face exactly- neck action or does he blow it out of the way?

basically, take your script and just put it together with these little mannerisms that you've observed. think about what people say about your character (and what your character says about himself) and piece together his personality. in fact, if i were you, i'd analyze the script over and over again until you have it solid in your mind who you think your character is. and then, like i said, piece it together with mannerisms you think fit him.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: people, he was talking about a character he has to portray as an actor. geez.

well, as an actor, you sort of have to be a professional people watcher. one of my favorite things to do is just go to a cafe and observe people. does that one guy always discreetly scratch his ear when he thinks nobody is watching? how does the cashier get his hair out of his face exactly- neck action or does he blow it out of the way?

basically, take your script and just put it together with these little mannerisms that you've observed. think about what people say about your character (and what your character says about himself) and piece together his personality. in fact, if i were you, i'd analyze the script over and over again until you have it solid in your mind who you think your character is. and then, like i said, piece it together with mannerisms you think fit him.


Don't know. I was born with mine.

practice in the mirror

be your self

one who is not too busy with work, is not vain and does not give up!

You dont create a personality, you have a personality. If there are parts of it you dont like, work on changing that.

i dono

Well i think what makes your personality is you, so just be yourself =)

Shouldn''t personality come with your birth?

Why would you want to create a personality, be yourself, if not in other words you are fake.

You do not create a personality, as your personality was born within you. You just have to find it and encourage it to join us here.

you can't really create a personality, but i've taken many psychology courses and i am now in social-psychology. i am all-for people being who they really and truly are, but i definitely know how it feels when you just want to break out of your shell and try to really figure yourself out. my suggestion/what i've learned: play pretend. the more you play a role, the more it actually becomes a schema (which is basically what you are made up of: student/offspring/sibling/grandchild/wor... so, if you want to be more outgoing, act in such a way... as some say, "fake it til you make it."

Follow me wherever I take you and take notes, call it lecture sessions.

At the end of every week, I will give you lessons and assignments too.

How well you score will contribute to your future success and this assesment will lead to the personality I will encourage you to portray upon your pettiness.

Observe others for their mannerisms and quirks. Pick the ones which seem to be right for the experience and motives of the character you need to play. Not too heavy on the quirks though. Patch some carefully chosen mannerisms and quirks together. This and about 40 years of experience ought to turn you into a good actor.
. Now, if you just want to be a star, play the same person for every part that comes along, like Jack Nicholson does.

i think u need a practice , glamor u also have to see in the mirror that either u r looking fine or ugly , so that u can impress someone , that what did i think to make ur personility in some else feeling example like beautiful girls

give it some quirks. what distinguishes us fomr other people are the little things and movements we make unconsiously. make some up (base them on the play obviously)

What I did was mirrored my Mother-in-Law, she was funny, quick lipped and one hell of a smart-***. not to mention honest, caring and loving. I wanted to be just like her. I loved her so much, I got her in the divorce LOL.
So, find someone who you admire , or would like to be like(real or a TV personality) and model after them.

do many different things and u can find ur personality. cause all kind of things have their own characters. talk to fifferent poeples with all kind of personality. and if u like someone's personality then u might have the same personality cause u liked it.

Become the character! Practice and practice until you are the character...

I will assume that you mean
"How do I create a character?"

If this is for something that is already written,
then read through it to get clues through the
dialogue - both the character's lines and
other's lines about the character.

writers will usually have age, sex
and a short description of a character
in the beginning of a play or movie script.

Also read to see what happens to the character
over the course of the script.